“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
We believe in spiritual training from the very beginning. No babysitting here! It is an honor and privilege to pray over and love on every single baby and child that comes through our doors!
We teach our children that God has a perfect plan for their lives. We accomplish this through exciting and fun activities that appeal to the hearts of children at every age level as they learn God’s love, His ways, and how to trust Him with their lives.
We also realize the importance for families to have someone to partner with regarding the spiritual training of their children. We have an outstanding team of staff and volunteers who place a high priority in partnering with parents to help children at every stage in life.
Children Pre-School classrooms are located in the Gwendoline Hall; classes are in session during the adult services. Upon arrival, please use the check-in station in the main lobby to register your child to his/her classroom.
We love your children!