Commanding Your Morning

Shining Light Church 60 Hutton Road, Shenfield, Essex, United Kingdom

A morning prayer is a wonderful way to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for the day ahead. Whether you need encouragement, peace, strength, or rest, God can meet you in a very real and present way when you come before Him with a humble heart. Seek God's presence each morning before your energy and attention is pulled by all the tasks you have ahead.

Healing Prayer and Service

Shining Light Church 60 Hutton Road, Shenfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Scripture strongly affirms ministries of spiritual healing, which in recent years have received renewed emphasis throughout Christ's holy Church. The root of the word healing in New Testament Greek, sozo, is the same as that of salvation and wholeness. Spiritual healing is God's work of offering persons balance, harmony, and wholeness of body, mind, spirit, and relationships through confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation